ERKO | Think Future

151 Certyfikaty BV: AS/EN 9100 BV: EN ISO 9001 1/1 OriginalASCSApproval: 13-12-2014 AuthorisedSignatory CertificationStructure: SingleSite This certificate forms partof the approval identifiedby certificatenumber: CertificationBody:BureauVeritasCertificationHoldingSAS-UKBranch5thFloor, 66PrescotStreet, London,E18HG,UnitedKingdom Scope of certification Standards has been audited in accordancewith the requirements ofEN9104-001:2013 byBureauVeritas Certification and conforms to the followingQualityManagementSystemsStandards detailed below This is to certify that theQualityManagementSystem of: Certificate of Approval BSEN ISO 9001:2015 PL011883 CertificateExpiryDate: 11-12-2023 Certificate IssueDate: 12-12-2020 Czeluśnica 80, 38-204Tarnowiec,Poland ERKO spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa Machining andmetal formingofparts and assembliesof components for civilian and militarypurposesused in aviationproduction. EN9100 : 2018 (Technically equivalent toAS9100D) TrevorWilliamDouce Further clarifications regarding the scopeof this certificateand theapplicability of themanagement system requirementsmay beobtainedby consulting theorganisation. PRS: ISO 9001 PRS: ISO 14001 Koncesja Militarna Military production permit Współpraca z największymi koncernami Produkcja komponentów i oprzyrządowania dla lotnictwa i innych branż