33 GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE ACADEMY Each year the International Relations and Promotion Depart- ment organizes Welcome Week for Master, PhD and exchange students during which students discover various corners of the Academy and Wrocław as well as get to know each other. Moreover, they have an opportunity to taste traditional Po- lish dishes during the Food Day or to take part in the Speed Meeting and Intercultural Workshops. At the beginning of each semester the department organizes a series of integration trips and events for all foreign stu- dents. It can be a longer trip to the biggest cities in Poland or a shorter 1-day-trip to the most interesting places around Lower Silesia. The cost of the trips is mostly covered by the funds of the Erasmus+ Programme. Twice a year, at the end of each semester we organize an exhibition for the exchange students in one of our Museum’s display rooms. There, the students can show the works that they created during their stay at the Academy. This is a great experience for the students and for the curator (who is always one of the exchange students). Foreign students have the opportunity to attend the Polish language course organized at our Academy for free. The les- sons start in October and in February, take place once a week (2 hours) and are credited with 2 ECTS points. The course is finished with a final exam. We provide the same opportunity for regular students of programmes conducted in English. The Institute of Foreign Languages organises courses in four languages: English, French, German and Spanish. The focus is put on teaching the specialist language of art and design, connected with the direction of studies. In our institution two coursebooks have been developed. “English for Printmaking”, Integration trips Erasmus+ exhibition Polish language course Foreign languages courses Welcome Week