28 with washing machines and a common room with a TV. In the academic year 2021/2022 the monthly rent was from 570 up to 750 PLN per person depending on the standard. Accommodation is offered in double and triple rooms with or without a private bathroom. The check-in is possible a few days before the beginning of each semester (end of Septem- ber and mid-February), time of arrival needs to be confirmed directly with the dorm. The dormitory has only 81 places for both Polish and foreign students and there are always more applications than places. In order to get a place in the dorm you need to contact the dormitory directly and send a special application form. Please take into consideration the fact that we do not mediate in finding any private accommodation for students who didn’t get a place in the dormitory. If you were not lucky in getting a place in the dorm, you can look for some private accommodation. The offer is quite varied but it takes time to find an appropriate one. The ave- rage price for a place in a double room in a private flat is from 800 up to 1000 PLN. Some useful websites where the students can search for a flat/room : in English: GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE ACADEMY
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