13 Interior Architecture Design Stage Design Architektura Wnętrz Wzornictwo Scenografia Dean: assoc. prof. Agata Danielak-Kujda, PhD Vice-dean: assoc. prof. Dominika Sobolewska, PhD Plac Polski 3/4 room no. 104 M phone: +48 71 334 47 14 FACULTY OF INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND STAGE DESIGN The Faculty of Interior Architecture, Design and Stage Design offers studies in Interior Architecture and Design as well as Stage Design. The studies programme enables students to work within a range of interior architecture techniques. They are also taught to respond to the needs of the design industry while being equipped with a wide range of skills and know-ledge covering areas from humanistic studies to general knowledge studies. The faculty strongly encourages lifelong learning and awareness of human sciences, while pursuing the quest of making art. PL Wydział Architektury Wnętrz, Wzornictwa i Scenografii Description of the faculty Dean’s office secretary Programmes GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE ACADEMY Authorities