The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław | ENROLMENT

Faculty of Painting Contact +48 71 343 80 31, ext. 221 The uniqueness of education in the field of drawing lies in the exclusive possibility of shaping and expanding the study programme according to the student's own needs and profes- sional plans. The basic programme is supplemented by subjects selected from the entire educational offer of the Academy. Our students are introduced to the broad aspects of artistic, anatomical and perspective drawing as well as drawing- related activities. They receive training in advanced drawing technologies and learn about professional drawing. This programme gives the students the opportunity to define themselves as a professional draughtsman – an artist functioning in the gallery circuit and on the art market, a professional un- dertaking collaborative or individual, commercial work. Graduates are prepared for employ- ment in the professional market. They learn the basics of issues such as com- ics, drawing in video games, story- boarding, press drawing, illustration and acquiring knowledge of copyright law, the functioning of the art market and commercial activities. Drawing